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Work 10 Minutes Reading £8.00 Price per min:£0.80
10 Minutes

A work reading looks specifically at your work and career. Working with the energies Archangel Ariel and Chamuel this looks at not only your work life and career but is it time to advance. Will you get that promotion you applied for or is it time to look for new opportunities. Starting your own business? Is it the right time and will it be successfull to a spiritual business plan. Which career did you put down in your life path. All the questions and more can looked at in depth with the work reading.

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Work 20 Minutes Reading £15.80 Price per min:£0.79
20 Minutes

A work reading looks specifically at your work and career. Working with the energies Archangel Ariel and Chamuel this looks at not only your work life and career but is it time to advance. Will you get that promotion you applied for or is it time to look for new opportunities. Starting your own business? Is it the right time and will it be successfull to a spiritual business plan. Which career did you put down in your life path. All the questions and more can looked at in depth with the work reading.

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Work 30 Minutes Reading £23.40 Price per min:£0.78
30 Minutes

A work reading looks specifically at your work and career. Working with the energies Archangel Ariel and Chamuel this looks at not only your work life and career but is it time to advance. Will you get that promotion you applied for or is it time to look for new opportunities. Starting your own business? Is it the right time and will it be successfull to a spiritual business plan. Which career did you put down in your life path. All the questions and more can looked at in depth with the work reading.

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Work 40 Minutes Reading £30.80 Price per min:£0.77
40 Minutes

A work reading looks specifically at your work and career. Working with the energies Archangel Ariel and Chamuel this looks at not only your work life and career but is it time to advance. Will you get that promotion you applied for or is it time to look for new opportunities. Starting your own business? Is it the right time and will it be successfull to a spiritual business plan. Which career did you put down in your life path. All the questions and more can looked at in depth with the work reading.

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Work 50 Minutes Reading £38.00 Price per min:£0.76
50 Minutes

A work reading looks specifically at your work and career. Working with the energies Archangel Ariel and Chamuel this looks at not only your work life and career but is it time to advance. Will you get that promotion you applied for or is it time to look for new opportunities. Starting your own business? Is it the right time and will it be successfull to a spiritual business plan. Which career did you put down in your life path. All the questions and more can looked at in depth with the work reading.

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Work 60 Minutes Reading £45.00 Price per min:£0.75
60 Minutes

A work reading looks specifically at your work and career. Working with the energies Archangel Ariel and Chamuel this looks at not only your work life and career but is it time to advance. Will you get that promotion you applied for or is it time to look for new opportunities. Starting your own business? Is it the right time and will it be successfull to a spiritual business plan. Which career did you put down in your life path. All the questions and more can looked at in depth with the work reading.

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