Healing with the Angels Detail's

Disk Track Number Track Preview
1 1 Healing With The Angels
1 2 Healing With The Angels
Author or Artist: Doreen Virtue
Publisher: HayHouse Publications
Delivery: Instant Download

The angels are powerful healers, yet they cannot help you unless you ask for their assistance. In this uplifting audio program, Dr. Doreen Virtue, a metaphysical healer who works with the angelic realm, helps you discover how you can receive healing assistance from your angels. In the first part of this program, Doreen discusses various ways that angels can assist you in healing your physical challenges, relationships, finances, careers, friends, and family members; as well as helping to ensure your physical safety. The second part leads you through a powerful meditation that invites archangels - and your own guardian angles - to heal every area of your life. You'll meet Archangel Gabriel, who brings you angel affirmations and visualizations; Archangel Raphael, who helps you heal physical challenges; Archangel Michael, who assists you with spirit releasement; and Archangel Uriel, who helps you build self-esteem and confidence. You'll love how the angels help you feel refreshed, energized, and revitalized.
